10/12/11 Great Day for Going Upside Down!

-Written by KC

"Follow your bliss. The heroic life is living the individual adventure."-Joseph Campbell

Inversion: Getting comfortable upside down holding onto stuff!

Today I introduced how to safely ball up, tuck, and invert on the gymnastics rings, a dynamic apparatus that moves. Spotters were VERY important to our success. We first focused on the hollow core position which adds stability and tightness and is used to control the load. Next inverting the body on the rings with the hollow core. This skill can help us be aware of our core in every movement, not just on the rings. Inverting the body can help us see the world from a new perspective, and create new awareness in the body, and mind.

Here you can see Diane's ball up and inversion with 2 spotters.

Front Lever Progression:



Stages leading up to the Front Lever

Tuck and ball up position, hips over shoulders, arms straight, knees tucked tight, toes pointed, chin tucked.

Lengthen up, neutral gaze/spine, hollow core, toes pointed, stacked body.

After you have gained the prerequisite strength, a front lever is performed by lowering from an inverted hang until the body is completely horizontal and straight with the front of the body facing upwards. An accomplished gymnast may also pull directly into the horizontal position from a dead hang. Front levers require a high degree of back and core strength.


Workout of the Day

Warm Up

-10 minutes Jump rope Practice, Double Unders

-Shoulder Dislocates x10 w/hollow core, active shoulders

-Hollow Rocks 3x 10

Skill Set

-Tuck, Ball Up, and Invert 5 times w/ hollow core


-Burgener Warm Up & Snatch



30 Santches for time (135/85)

Scale loads appropriately


CrossFit AllStar