*Mainland or International Visitors Drop In Fee is $25, no need to call ahead, sign up by clicking on the class you'd like to take from our calendar and follow the cues via Zen Planner. "Free Trial Class" is only for local residents who may become members and want to try out the gym.
What you get for your buck!
We are a small, community oriented gym, and want people who want to be here. We are committed to each athlete and we expect the same in return. Please don’t compare our prices to any other group classes or gyms.
At CrossFit Allstar we appreciate quality and that is what we deliver. Please keep in mind that our fitness is something that needs to be experienced to be understood.
We program your workouts for you, instruct you on the movements and points of performance, offer nutritional and programming advice if desired, and guide you through scaling & modifying your workouts every time you walk in the door. At AllStar, in our group classes it's like getting private training at a fraction of the cost.
If you commit yourself to CrossFit AllStar, show up, and take advantage of your membership, we believe you will get every penny you pay for, and more.
There is no comparison when it comes to our facility or our AllStar Coaches. We take pride in what we do, and we are good at what we do. We invite you to come and see the AllStar difference. You will not be disappointed!
What can you expect from CrossFit AllStar?
Digital workout programs like CompTrain & SugarWOD:
We invest in quality workout programming like CompTrain, along with our digital whiteboard system SugarWOD, to provide you with a seamless fitness tracking system that is beyond what you can get in class alone. Access to our gym on SugarWOD is included in your membership as added value, and we hope you use it to record your results and archive your awesomeness.
Exceptional coaching:
It is no mistake that CrossFit AllStar offers the highest caliber coaching of any gym on the Big Island. The training and certifications that KC Stallsmith holds alone, in CrossFit and CrossFit specialty courses are unmatched by any single coach on this island. I encourage you to visit other gyms on the Big Island and notice the difference for yourself. It is this investment in training and education that sets the foundation for excellence at CrossFit AllStar. KC has a passion for teaching in general, and being able to see the greatness in other people sets CrossFit AllStar apart from other gyms. Some of the initiatives we’ve set in place are continued professional development (KC recently earned her CrossFit Level 2 Trainer Certificate), as well as hiring & training apprentice coaches & staff.
Flexible Class Schedules:
We realize that not everyone likes to work out at 5am:) CFAS strives to offer a wide-range of class times; when our athletes suggest new class times, we respond!
Competitions and Challenges:
We value our CrossFit Island community, and although organizing a competition is a lot of work, everyone benefits from hosting such an event and having the island community gather at our box. Although the AllStar Round-Up in on ‘hold’ during the Pandemic, we have found creative ways to compete within the gym like hosting our first ever CrossFit AllStar Intramural Open this year! You can expect even more competitions and challenges ahead like the 2021 CrossFit AllStar Summertime Challenge we’re gearing up for right now!
Quality Equipment:
A major investment that we have is the equipment we provide. I’m a firm believer that you deserve quality equipment, quality gear and quality products and I refuse to sacrifice your safety and gym experience by skimping on this expense. I will provide you the very best in both equipment and environment.
We continue to maintain a vibrant website that contains status updates on our blog as well as event announcements, recipes, nutrition information, and helpful links to develop your training here at AllStar. Our website is a free community resource to build on the active in-house community that continually develops.
I continue to develop our CrossFit community by hosting events and challenges within the pandemic paradigm. I will take every opportunity to help grow our community one step at a time through the pandemic.
Great Athletes:
I want to thank each and every one of you for your patronage and loyalty to our box. I honor and recognize your commitment to your training. You are the AllStars of CrossFit.