10/18/11 Bear Crawl & Broad Jump. Be an Animal!

-Written by KC

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."    Winston Churchill 

Register NOW Barbells for Boobs this Saturday click link in side bar. ---------------------------------------------->






Combo of CrossFit + Yoga + Sweat= Magnificent Sweat Angel!











CrossFit Kids Ford and Della lead the speed ladder drills in the warm up at the 4:30 class!

Community Class

The FREE Community Class every Friday at 4:30 continues to draw amazing members of this community who are ready for something different, with measurable results, and fun. Many of them are sighning up as permanent members of AllStar! So great!









CrossFit Kids AllStars Workout of the Day

Warm Up:

-Rotational Body Movements

-Handstand/L-Pose practice

-4 Rounds Tabata Jumprope


SDLHP or Sumo Deadlift High Pull


AMRAP 5 min.

Partner A Run 100 meters

Partner B Jumping Pull Ups

When Partner A is done with run, switch with Partner B.





Workout of the Day (Adults)



Shoulder Press


5 Rounds

100 m. Bear Crawl

100 m. Broad Jump



CrossFit AllStar