12/8/11 Lower From Inverted Hang on Rings

-Written by KC

Gymnastics Rings

These simple peices of equipment have become a staple part of our program here at AllStar. Everyone can use them. You get a lot of work done on them at any fitness level. The challenge and load on the joints is varied and controllable. Progressions for the prescribed gymnastics skills are fun and good work in and of themselves. AND the kids LOVE them. If there is any Christmas present you may want to invest in for you child, it's gymnastics rings. For $75 - $100 your child will be entertained, creative, stimulated, and work their vestibular system (the sensory system that provides the leading contribution about movement and sence of balance).

The workout today

involved skills movements that were not to be rushed through. They required a ball up and tuck position on the rings, then and inverted hang, then a slow and methodical lowering down of the torso into a lever position, then at the moment you can no longer hold the position you can swing out, then repeat for 7 reps in the workout, followed by 15 ring push ups....5 rounds.

Scaling Options and Modifications

If the lowering down from and inversion on the rings is not available to you, we substituted 7 Inverted Ring Rows and 7 Toes to Rings.

The Ring Push Up

Doing push ups on the rings is much more work than doing regular push ups on the floor. When you are on the rings you are working in a dynamic plane, meaning that when you are in the push up position the rings want to travel every which way and it takes lots of work to keep them steady to perform the push up. When you are on the floor you are on a static plane, nothing is moving, and the floor is stable so the push up is less difficult.


Makahiki Practice!

The kids have been practicing at school for their Makahiki games! Here they spontaniously started Uma, arm wrestling each other. Della held off her brother in a locked up position for a long time!

If anyone is interested in competing in the Ka Waimea Makahiki Games let me know as we are putting a team together!!!!

Workout of the Day

Warm Up:

Run 400 m.


3x 5-10 strict pull ups


Lower from an inverted hand on rings


Complete five rounds of:

On the rings, lower from an inverted hang, slowly, with straight body and arms, 7 reps

15 Ring Push-ups

Move SLOWLY and methodically attempting perfect execution. Ideally this is done with two pairs of rings - one pair hung app. 8' off the ground and the second 4" off the ground.





CrossFit AllStar