12/30/11 "Walking Diane"

-Written by KC

We Handstand Walked all day at AllStar today....."Diane" is usually a 2 element workout of Deadlifts and Handstand Push Ups, today it was a "Walking Diane" instead of Handstand Push Ups we did Handstand Walks. If the Handstand Walk was not available, athletes did a Lateral Handstand Walk or Handstand Hold.

CrossFit AllStar Lauren Lateral Handstand Walk

Don, Josh, and Pi'i in the middle of the WOD

KC feeling good in the Handstand Walk, finally.

AllStar Community/Intro Class

These guys went OFF today! For many it was their first CrossFit workout and they all successfully worked a Handstand Progression and went up into Handstands, worked Deadlifts safely and with proper form, swung from bars doing toes to bars, did Pull Ups, learned correct air squats, and box jumps!!!! They did so GOOD!

Finishing the Deadlift

Coach Don teaches the correct way to lower the bar. Even though we might finish that last pull, the lift still is not complete till that bar is lowered to the ground again, and often times we are so tired we either let go of the bar and let it fall, or we loose our angry gorilla back and lower the bar sloppily. Don asked is to be aware of the return to the floor today, and it was good practice for everyone.

Ka Waimea Makahiki Games! We need you to be on our team sign up at the gym! Hawaiian games of skill and strength and tons of FUN!

Let us know if you want to join in the Games this year, Saturday, Jan. 14th, all day event.

Workout of the Day

Warm Up:

400 m. Run

Then: 2 Min. Rounds of

Rope Ascent
Hand Release Push Up
Pistol Squat


"Walking Diane"

225 pound Deadlift, 21 reps

Handstand walk 21 meters

225 pound Deadlift, 15 reps

Handstand walk 15 meters

225 pound Deadlift, 9 reps

Handstand walk 9 meters


CrossFit AllStar