9/18/11 CFAS Sunday Olympic Weightlifting Club

-Posted by Josh

CrossFit AllStar Sunday Oly Club

The AllStar Oly Club converged on the gym today to develop their skills. Arjun reviewed the different ways of getting a barbell overhead; strict press, push press, push jerk, squat jerk and the split jerk. After some video and discussion we grabbed some pvc bars and ran through technique and cues. When we grabbed some barbells and started putting on weight we realized that some refreshing on clean technique was in order. We all took turns doing cleans while the possee critiqued and offered constructive tips. Then we added weight and started jerking our loads overhead, no pun intended. Some gravitated to the squat jerk while others felt more comfortable with the split jerk. We completed 5 rounds of 3 consecutively heavier lifts until we were near our maxs. We videoed each other so everyone could see themselves and make corrections.                         

These lifts look simple when done correctly. However, many different body positions and explosive movements must be coordinated and synchronized to create a nice lift. When it all comes together the bar flies from your knees to the top of your shoulders with hardly any effort. In the jerk, when you drop under the bar and stand tall with a heavy load overhead you know you can tackle the next hurdle life throws at you with ease. Props to Marta, Tam, Layne, Arjun and Don for throwing down, next week the bar will fly up on its own!

Workout of the Day

Rest Day

Come to AllStar Yoga at 4:30pm!!!

CrossFit AllStar