1/2/12 AllStar Circus!
-Written by KC
"Not tiring of defeat leads to victory." -Unknown
Mike and Shane from Hilo were visiting Waimea for the Holidays and came by AllStar to play and show us their Backward Rolls to Handstands! I even got a little lesson after class. Stoked!
First Workout of the Year Brings New Perspective
Ring Extensions
Above: Don May attempting the Ring Extnesions for the first time. Like a ring pull up, with a press out on the side. Right: Liz works a modification with a band and a half press out.
Sots Press
Don works the Sots Press, taking the bottom position of a squat and performing an overhead press.
Full House
Below: It was a full house in AllStar today with 16 athletes showing up for the 8:30am class (and most stayed for yoga, sweet!), lots of friends coming back from holiday trips, and lots of new faces too!!
Workout of the Day
Warm Up:
800m Run
Speed Drills and Shuttle Runs
Ring Extensions, Fwd. and Bkwd. Rolls, Sots Press
Five rounds for time of:
5 Hanging ring extensions (right arm + left arm = 1)
5 Forward rolls
5 Backward rolls
45 pound Sots press, 10 reps