1/4/12 Cleaning Up the Clean & Jerk
-Written by KC
"Vicious extension against the ground creates momentum and elevation on the barbell".-Coach Burgener
Josh found a pretty cool App today called Slowmo. It enables the user to put any video into slow motion. You can control the speeds, and sound. This is what his new PR today looked like, in slowmo....pay attention to the sound if you can make it to the end....makes it seem like the biggest lift ever! Hilarious!
If you haven't seen any of Coach B's videos please view this!
Courtesy CrossFit Inc.
Workout of the Day
Warm Up:
Floor Drills to warm up hips/shoulders
Walking lunges
Hula Squat Walk
Squat Hops
Burgener Warm Up broken down
Wall Hugging Squats
Dips at the wall
Jerk Stance Drills
Clean and Jerk