10/9/12 Lurong Performance WOD #2

-Written by KC

Not going to write much today. Super tuff chipper wod and I got the pics to proove it. Jen Feaver came by from CrossFit Ethos, great to wod with you again girl! Safe travels home.

Our girl Jen: Below Right. Yes it's a 45# bar, but the she had to do 25 of them, after a crap load of other things so give her a break!



Class was packed with dudes tonight...Metallica+CrossFit+Dudes=Good WOD

Workout of the Day

See whiteboard below. BEWARE of Lurong Performance WOD #2. All our athletes couldn't straighten their arms for days after trying it. Something about it makes you want to do more pull ups than you have ever done before, in only 8 minutes. Those Lurong guys are tricky.


CrossFit AllStar