9/29/12 "Barbell Truckin"
-Written by KC
Saturday Partner WOD
Yet another WOD programmed by Josh and I over our Friday night date night meal at the Parker Ranch Broiler. If you have not been to this restaurant yet I HIGHLY recommend it as THE place to get grass-fed steak, beef, and the fresh catch, all at an affordable price with classic ambiance. And TUESDAY NIGHT KIDS EAT FREE entree along with desert AND a gift from the treasure box! It's located right next to our other favorite spot to grind, Village Burger, where you can get a burger made to order where all the ingredients are grown or raised within close proximity of the eatery, all local. These two spots are the BOMB! Luck we live Waimea and have these killer eateries at the Parker Ranch Center!
"Barbell Truckin"
Partner WOD (although there was an odd number of people at class this morning so you see Josh had to carry his bar SOLO!)
*Pick a partner, similar fitness level
With a Barbell shared between the partners (135/95 or scale)
200m Barbell Carry (with partners)
50 Bar Facing Burpees
200 m. BB Carry
40 Deadlifts
200 m. BB Carry
30 Clean & Jerks
200 m. BB Carry
20 Windsheild Wipers
200 m. BB Carry
10 Burpee Cleans
*Each partner performs half of reps on each movement. Carry BB together on 200 m. BB Carry.