4/12/12 Kids & Teens Multiply in the Gym!

-Written by KC

CrossFit Kids

Our CrossFit Kids program at AllStar continues to grow it's family of kids and teens. The energy in the gym is awesome! These kids are outstanding athletes and beautiful souls.

Right: The HPA teen class doubles in size, they like CrossFit of course!

Scroll down to view their workout of the Day.

CrossFit Kids Climb

The rope Climb is a popular event with the Crossfit Kids class. They have picked up multiple ways to wrap their feet and legs to make climbing more efficient. These kids are amazing!

Personal Records!

Below: Ford 10 yrs. new 115# Deadlift PR and Della 7 yrs. 95# Deadlift PR!!!!!! I'm a proud Mama with some strong kids!

Below: The kids enjoy doing front wheelies on the new coaster cars in the gym...the fun continues!

Workout of the Day

"Last Man Standing"

 TEEN (13-18yrs.):

With a continuously running clock do one Deadlift (6-20# Med. Ball) and one Box Jump the first minute, two Deadlifs and two Box Jumps the second minute, three Deadlifts and three Box Jumps...... continuing until the Last Man is Standing!

KIDS(5-12 yrs.):

With a continuously running clock do one Overhead Squat (Hold Up the Sky Air Squat) and one Box Jump the first minute, two Overhead Squat (Hold Up the Sky Air Squat) and two Box Jumps the second minute, three Overhead Squat (Hold Up the Sky Air Squat) and three Box Jumps...... continuing until the Last Man is Standing!

Adult Workout of the Day

“CrossFit Total”

1 rep max Back Squat

1 rep max Shoulder Press

1 rep max Deadlift

There were so many Personal Recods made in the gym tonight! And some were gained by very significant numbers like Josh's 30# gain on his Back Squat. Below, Sandra makes a 20# gain on her Deadlift and pulls up 175#!

CrossFit AllStar