4/18/12 CrossFit AllStar Community

-Written by KC


CrossFit AllStar- Waimea, Kamuela, Big Island of Hawaii- Here we are blessed with our community of friends, families, and crazy kids.

Right: Della cannot wait to get on the rings at any given moment, she calls this her 'boat trick'.

Below: Our gang at 5am going for it! This group is dedicated, waking up at 5am to come train, they are the most consistent crowd at our box! Way to go 5AM-ERS!

Workout of the Day

Warm Up:

Fun & Games for 5 min.

Dodgeball/ Tug o War


Wendler Press

5 X 40% of W1RM

5 X 50%

3 X 60%

5 X 75%

3 X 85%

1+ X 95%


25 Hand Release Push Up

50 Toes to Bar

400 m. Run

75 Sit Up

100 Double Unders (or 600 singles, learn doubles!!!)



CrossFit AllStar