5/21/12 Baby On Board!

-Written by KC

Raised in a CrossFit Box

What do you get when you mix a constant supply of kids, a CrossFit gym, drop cloths, bands, and med balls? See photo right, good fun for our keiki while parents train.

Now we even have a baby in our box! Baby Anuhea, Elin and TJ's little one, came in and played on her johnny jumper the whole hour class with the other kids entertaining her. It worked out perfect!

Workout of the Day

Warm Up:

400 m Run

Mini Dutch Warm Up active stretching


EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute)


6 Push Ups

3 Squats


“Blazing” Courtesy CrossFit Inferno

5 Rounds

15 Thrusters (95/65)

15 Burpees

2 min. Rest



Back Squat (Heavy)

100 m. Sprint

*once you rack the bar, immediately go out for the 100 m sprint. Rest between sets as needed.


CrossFit AllStar