6/5/12 When Was Your Last Forward Roll?
-Written by KC
Forward & Backward Rolls
If the last time you did a forward roll was in elementary school or when you were a kid, why not try as an adult...but gently, and with a nice gymnastics mat or pad.
Be sure to get in a nice tight ball up and tuck position, keep the legs together, push off with the feet and place the hands right next to the shoulders and be ready to catch your weight with the hands as you roll onto the upper back area, and stay away from the head and neck.
Be careful as you stand up, because if you are like me, the feeling of dizzy and queezy start to take over. The forward roll is not a movement we do too often in CrossFit, but it's a good idea to know what it is, and how to execute one.
CrossFit Kids Workout of the Day
Adult Workout of the Day
Warm Up:
EMOM for 8min.
2 Forward Rolls
3 Burpees
4 Toes to Bar
L-Sit for remainder of min.
Overhead Squat
AMRAP 20 min.
10 Overhead Squats (95/65)
10 Box Jumps (24/20)
10 V-Ups