6/1/12 "Kelly" & Skin the Cat

-Written by KC

We worked on Skin the Cats today by practicing them in the warm up as a skill for quality. Hitting each point of performance on this movement is nessecary in the execution. We worked on keeping a ball up and tuck position to ease our way into Skin the Cat. However, check the video below from Gymnasticswod.com on a strict pike position into Skin the Cat. Beautiful.

Workout of the Day

Warm Up:

3 Rounds of:

Dot Drills

-R leg

-L leg

-Both legs

10 Pull Ups (practice butterfly)

10 Air Squats (For Quality)

1 Skin the Cat



5 Rounds

400 m. Run

30 Box Jumps

30 Wall Balls (20/14)

CrossFit AllStar