7/7/12 & 7/8/12 Kapolei Strength & Conditioning Grand Opening Competition

-Written by KC

Through competition, this is how we can truly get better ourselves, it allows us to rise above ordinary performance and put out much more than we normally would in a daily workout. 

Photo Gallery: Kapolei Strength & Conditioning Grand Opening Competition Powered by CrossFit Ewa Beach!

It's true, I was the first to register for this 2 day competition in Honolulu and also registered Josh, without asking him first. Sneaky? Maybe, but I was driven by 2 REASONS: #1, I am looking for competition, always. Living on the Big Island it's tuff for me to find solid competition, I drive at least once a week to Kona searching for competition, sometimes twice. Through competition, this is truly how we can truly get better ourselves, it allows us to rise above ordinary performance and put out much more than we normally would in a daily workout. #2, I signed Josh and I up soon, without hesitation, so we wouldn't have time to talk ourselves out of it. Oh yeah, the mind can totally screw with you and lead you to think you are not good enough, strong enough, fast enough....whatever it is. What's great about signing up for a competition is, you are IN, no matter what and you do your best, you get through and you are better for it. Placing doesn't matter, but EFFORT sure as heck does. And ALL who were there for the 2 day competition last weekend put out their best efforts. Many personal records were made, it was painful...and...beautiful.

KC on Muscle Ups in a WOD that included Bench Press and Back Squat

Josh performing the first WOD "Fran"

KC moving through the Clean & Jerk ladder with 3 Personal Records made in that event!

Josh lines up for the 200m Sled Drag @ 135#

KC on Sandbag Carry 200m @ 95# sprinting the last 30m.

Original Honoka'a gang Keoni, KC, Josh, and Rose. Things have changed a lot from the cinder track we used to train on!

KC, Josh, and Kashayla Stanford one of the strongest girls in the competition, and a sweetheart!

Top females in the final heat: Emilia, Tiff, Kashayla, Se Famy, KC, and Dori (who took first!!)

Final standings.....STOKED!!! Time to bring competition to BIG ISLAND!!!!

KC placed 1st in 2 events, and 4th overall. Josh 21 out of 40 competitors. Not bad! Thanks to Kapolei Strength and Conditioning for hosting such a great event!


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