8/24/12 KC's Birfday Bloodbath WOD

-Written by KC

Older is looking GOOD!

This pretty much sums up my 35th birthday:

Got to WOD with my 5am class while hubby coached. My favorite thing to do! The WOD was programmed by Josh, and even though I requested certain things, he did a whopper of a workout that not many of us finished. He took my time on the WOD and made that the time cap for the rest of the day....interesting.

I was greeted with a birthday card my 10 yr. old son made for me with a character lifting 100# kettlebells in each hand. Very cool.

I witnessed my son pressing my extra-large birthday present overhead. Even cooler.

Then Josh called me 'kinda old' in writing on my birthday present, but made up for it by making me Paleo tacos for breakfast (thin sliced turkey filled with bell peppers and kale!) It was an awesome birthday.

I swear I think we train the fittest women in their 50's in all of Waimea. Dana and Marta climb the rope no problem!


CrossFit AllStar