1/21/13 Paleo Potluck Tonight 7pm!

-Written by KC

Paleo Potluck 7pm tonight! Celebrate our January On-Ramp Graduating Class! 

Want to taste these 4 ingredient no sugar raw paleo cookies? Show up tonight and bring your favorite healthy paleo dish! Everyone's invited! Paleo Potluck at the box to celebrate our January graduating class of On-Rampers! 7:00pm come support them in their final workout of the course, 7:30pm blessing and paleo feast! Please join us!

Raw Paleo Cookie Recipe

Super simple recipe: In a Vitamix or food processor (this is a must), put about 3 cups nuts of your choice (I like cashews because they are smooth, and pecan combo. Cashews not paleo so you can use all pecans or try different nut combos). About 6 medejool dates pitted, dash of vanilla, shake of cinnamon. That's IT. Process in Vitamix or food processor. It comes out hot and warm and good to eat right away, or if you like 85%-90% dark chocolate cut up bits and mix in with a spoon and it melt in to the dough in a marbled way(I don't mix it too much, just enough to marble). I scoop it out make little cookies and put in fridge. They are super good cold to! Great with a glass of ice cold unsweetened almond milk! Calorie dense so I still eat these as a treat! You can mix dough into smoothies to for a 'Paleo Blizzard' type dessert to! XOXO everyone! -Coach KC

Last visit to 808 before I headed home from the rowing seminar...



I just love this box, I think it's because it's the same small size as AllStar, but serves about 3 times as many athletes, many competitive Games & Regional athletes to! It is very possible to continue to grow in our AllStar space and keep moving FORWARD! These guys set a great example.

It's always so amazing how much I learn from everyone. Coach Josh from CrossFit 808 worked with me on Sunday on my Olympic lifts, and I felt that 'Ah HA!' moment! It's important for all coaches, to have coaches themselves, in order to keep evolving. And I really appraciated what Coach Josh had to teach me.

Right: Coach Josh, Rome, and myself at CF 808

Inspiration is everywhere

Even found hanging in the bathroom at CrossFit 808! See pic below:)

Workout of the Day

Warm Up:
Farmers & Loggers
Hip mobility

Snatch Grip Deadlift


"Money's Worth Chipper"

With 8 min. perform as much of the following as possible. 4 Rounds. 2 min. rest between rounds.
200m run
25 Squats
25 Push Up
25 Double Unders
25 Kettlebell Swings 55/35
25 Steps Walking lunges
25 Deadlifts 135/95
25 Pull Ups
25 Burpees
25 Box Jumps
25 Man Makers
25 Muscle Ups


CrossFit AllStar