5/24/13 Kupuna CrossFit Class!
-Written by KC
Kūpuna are defined as “grandparents, ancestors, relatives or close friends,” and also means “starting point or source.”
CrossFit class for 80 years and up!
Historical day at our box! New Kupuna CrossFit class for 80 years old and up! Even a 99 year old motivated to move...he told me he wished he'd have started a long time ago:)
Still think YOU can't? Think again.
A collaboration with Ho'onani Place, an adult daycare facility here in Waimea owned and operated by Karyn Clay, provides transportation to CrossFit classes at CrossFit AllStar for older people. Karyn Clay took the CrossFit AllStar Beginners On-Ramp program in March, and has been CrossFittingconsistently twice a week for about 2 months. She understands what CrossFit is, and I was delighted when she was open to the idea of a CrossFit class for some of the older people from her adult day care facility, specifically in their 80's and 90's. To be the best coach I can be, I want to learn how to train ALL ages, and I cherish this opportunity Karyn has given me to work with her clients. It is because of Karyn's willingness, and open mind and heart, that these older people can have the means to attend classes here at AllStar. She helps load them up in her vehicle and brings them to the gym for special training. Did I just day an adult daycare provider is willing to bring clients to CrossFit? WHEN I GET TO BE OLDER AND NEED ADULT DAYCARE IM HEADED TO HO'ONANI PLACE! Karyn truly cares deeply about her clients not only giving them the best physical care, but the best mental experiences as well.
We really did CrossFit
We really did varied, functional movement, performed at a scaled intensity for this special population (for them i'm sure it was intense and i'm sure they will be sore). We began by introducing them to the space and discussing the difference between what our gym looks like compared to others they might have seen. This began a great discussion about what these folks remember about fitness in their younger lives. Kameichi, 99 years old, told me about how he used to use a barbell with a friend when he was younger. Betsy, 84 years old stated she had never done anything in a gym before in her life! We also had Alfred present, and Val.Alfred had done some sports, and Val some soccer. They were all VERY interested in what we do at CrossFit, and all very willing to give it a try.
After a gentle warm up of squats taught they way I teach the Kids class simple and FUN (seated to standing, back to seated, with focus on alignment of the feet & body position) which allowed me to assess their movement in the hips and legs, I took an assessment of their shoulder mobility at the wall with a fun drill. Realizing this group had pretty great mobility for being mostly 80 yrs. and up, I decided to use the wall for some basic Push Ups. They all did great and the wall helped them feel stable and secure. Next was the rings with some simple ring rows. Gripping the ring alone is great work, and the ability to scale the loading using leverage worked out great. They simply stepped back to make it easier or forward to make it harder. They loved the rings! Kameichi said he used to do them when he was younger, he did the row, but then also wanted to try a ring hold so we lowered the rings for him. See video below. He can also hold himself to support on his walker with his feet coming off the floor!
Kameichi 99 years tries the rings!
Next I wanted to see how they would like the Rower, mostly because it's a whole body movement with the least impact on the body. Plus they would need to figure our the leverage of the seat on every pull and return, grip would be tested and strengthened as well. They all did awesome! Take a look in the video below:
Betsy Rowing at 84 years
Here's Kameichi Rowing at 99 years
First, a sit down 'talk story' to hear about their past fitness experiences...
Learning hand positions for wall push ups, even with arthritis they went for it!
Betsy, 84 years, was the Queen ring rower of the day, she did so many reps we lost count!
Kameichi, 99 years works on a ring hold
Hat turned backwards indicates he was serious about his training, he is just amazing!
To Greg Glassman, founder of CrossFit:
I want you to know about this. People of ALL ages can do CrossFit. The universal scalability of the model you created makes it accessible to all. By creating CrossFit methodology you have not only chiseled away hard young bodies that can perform increased work capacity across broad time and modal domains, you have straight up formulated a fitness regime suitable to all humans beings at any age or fitness capacity, even into our older years. We can't stop aging, but we CAN continue Crossfit. I look forward to seeing continued results with this special group of Kupuna CrossFitters out here in Hawaii. Mahalo Coach Glassman.