6/28/13 Josh & KC hit Cali!
-Written by KC
Took the red eye flight out of kona last night, hopped in a rental car headed north I fell asleep in the car while Josh drove. All the sudden he wakes me up to a surprise WOD at CrossFit Bako in Bakersfield, CA. Nice people! Tuff WOD! 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Jerks from floor(185/115) & 2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20 Pull Ups, alternate between elements. Exactly what I needed! Now we're back on the road:)
Above: The kind folks at CrossFit Bako! We were lucky enough to wod with 6 of their 9 coaches!
Representing Keck Observatory at In-N-Out Burger! The lettuce wrap was a pleasant surprise! Josh went with a double double, fries, and a vanilla shake OMG!
OK AllStars here's the scoop!
On programming while we are gone, Josh and I have a THEME set up for you. We've programmed in the Smolov Strength Cycle like normal on Mon., Wed., Fri., Sat. I plugged in Push Press on Tues. and Deadlift on Thrusday. That will remain the strength template till we return.
The Theme for the conditioning wods is VINTAGE! The conditioning peices have all come from vintage CrossFit WODs from 2001 when CrossFit first came into existance online. You'll all be participating in a bit of CrossFit histroy by performing these wods, the same WODs that came out before CrossFit was well known. Have FUN FUN FUN!
Check the vacation schedule.
Read about our AllStar coaches and staff.
Josh and KC will be going up to the mountains today so blog posts will be sporatic till july 6th. Elin Kalaniopio has prepared some AllStar Eats blog posts that she'll present here this week so you can all look forward to some of her great recipes and food talk!
Josh & KC