6/3/13 A reflection on WOD's, Paleo Eating and new On-Rampers.
-Written by Josh
Our devoted 5am crew putting Barbells overhead while Waimea sleeps.
The same crew moving into the front-squat portion of the WOD. Josh in the foreground is using the "Genie" front-rack position.
The majority of the AllStar crew started their monday like many other mondays. Warm-up, Skill education and practice, a 2-minute burpee test and finished it off with a good, hard, sweaty WOD (Workout Of the Day) for those of you who dont speak CrossFit, LOL! But for 9 of us, we rose to our day with the disicpline of clean-eating as our Kuleana. We are members of the No-Bullshit Paleo Challenge, we have put $100 bucks each in a pot, and for every food that we eat that is not meat,vegetable,fruit,nut or seed we lose $10. Whoever is strong enough to resist the temptation they get their money back and split the fines of the weak. Kind of like a group of friends trying to quit drinking or smoking together. But the substances we are abstaining from are grains, sugars, dairy and chemicals. All of these have the potential to hinder our athletic performance, and we can only discover how our bodies react by experimenting with their consumption.
I am a pretty stubborn person, i CrossFitted for 3 years before I attempted to follow the Paleo Diet strictly. When I started i had around 10% body fat could perform 30 pullups in a row, lift heavy Barbells, Run, Work long days of construction and CrossFit after. I thought i was in good shape. I lost about 5 pounds in the first 10 days and i didnt even want to. I honestly felt tired and slightly weird for the first week or two. Then I started noticing that i could keep working in situations where i had felt the need to stop and catch my breath before. I was able to basically sprint while running, doing burpees, lifting bars, wall balls, etc. It was an eye-opener. Anyhow, I fell back into ordering burritos and eating my burgers with the bun... A bit harder to hit those burpees and thrusters as hard, so I have wrangled another group of Paleo Challengers to help me get back onto the straight and narrow. HAHA!!! Congratulations KC, Cindy, Connie, Ginger, Robyn, Scott, Blake and Lisa for being brave enough to control the food you put in your body!
The Paleo Diet is simple, delicous whole foods whose side effects are minimal body fat, increased energy, stamina, recovery and decrease in inflammation, disease and general suck-i-ness.
Workout Of the Day
Run 800m
Agility ladders
2-minute Burpee challenge
7X1 Snatch up to 80% – rest as needed, no higher than 80%
12 minute AMRAP of:
7 Power Clean & Jerks @ 155/105#
14 Front Squats @ 155/105#
Run 200m
47 people on the Whiteboard today! Yeah AllStars!