9/15/13 Sunday Oly Club special visitor Pohaku S & C owner Andy Hubner
-Written by Josh
6-Hole. Arguably the hardest working athlete in the gym, warming up with 245# C&J. He went on to put 287# overhead for another PR!
Look closely, for some strange visuals when a panorama shot is taken mid-WOD. Aniku is standing on the ground and pulling a chest to bar pull-up at the same time...
315# front squat, NBD.
Brad, Andy and Aniku completing HSPU's in the middle of the "CLB" WOD. Aniku had 2 PR's in the C&J as well today!
Andy, from Pohaku Strength and Conditioning, came up from Kona this morning to lift with us. I can honestly say the energy was 'high' as well as Andy's bar. which almost touched the ropes at the top of his jerk. LOL! I felt everyone lifted well, showed improvement throughout the 2 hour session and hopefully walked away stronger and wiser. If you have been missing the Sunday afternoon and Wednesday night weightlifting sessions, you are missing out. More importantly, the more people that are lifting creates a heightned sense of energy and intensity for us all to rise higher. So peel off that coach, grab your lifting shoes, and come on down to study the sacred art of getting Barbells from the ground to overhead. The side effects are the ability to harness explosive energy, increased strength, balance, reduce injuries in life and wods and just generally being more awesome! Look for Andy to visit more, and bring some of his Kona lifters. And Andy, arent you glad I didn't post "The Video"? LOL!