Another Round-Up workout RELEASED! 'Enter the Dragon, Part 2' evolved from 8 levels to 14!


Pohaku Strength & Conditioning's Andy Hubner in last years 'Enter the Dragon' workout

“Enter The Dragon, Part 2”

Athletes enter a 14 Level circuit (The Dragon), conga-line style. Amass as many repetitions as possible in each movement. 45 seconds of work, with 15 seconds of rest/transition time to the next element. Athletes enter and exit through the same athlete chute (PR Portal).

Floor Plan 

enter the dragon map key


Division Details:

Division Details Enter the Dragon AllStar round up

Movement Standards:

Row: Athlete is responsible for resetting monitor to zero (press ‘Menu Back’). The first thing the athlete should do when it is their turn to begin, is check the monitor and reset if needed. Volunteers will also assist to have rowers ready to start, but ultimate responsibility will be on the athlete to make sure monitor is ready. Two Rowers will be available and alternated between each 1:00 minute round. At the start, athlete must stand behind rower, then upon 3-2-1 GO, athlete may get on rower and begin their work. Foot positions will stay at 3, and dampers will stay at 5 for the duration of “Enter the Dragon, Part 2”

Pull Ups: Athlete must not touch the bar, then upon 3-2-1 GO, athlete begins the Pull Up with arms fully extended and feet unsupported while griping the bar using any preferred grip (overhand, underhand, alternate grip). Athlete will rise to bring chin & plane of face above the plane of the bar. Scaled Ring Row: Athlete will stand at undesignated point and lean back till arms are extended. Athlete will pull rings to touch chest for the rep to be complete.

Hand Release Push-Up: Athlete may begin in a kneeling position, then upon 3-2-1 GO the movement begins with the athlete in a plank position, arms extended with the body horizontal and flat like a board.  Athlete must lower body to a prone position on the floor with the chest, hips, top of thighs clearly on the deck. Hands must release and show separation from ground prior to pressing up. On the press up, Body must elevate in a straight line from ankles to shoulders for a rep to count. The hips must come off the floor at the same time or before the chest, otherwise it will be deemed a ‘no rep’. Both arms must come to complete elbow extension (locked out) in the top position.

Box Jump: The athlete will face the box, on 3-2-1 GO, athlete will use a two foot take off to jump on top of box. Athlete will rise to a standing position ON TOP OF BOX with hips, knees fully extended BEFORE jumping or stepping down. Rebounding Box Jumps OK & performed at your own risk.

Shoulder to Overhead: Barbell will be on the ground. Athlete will remain standing, hands off bar until 3,2,1 GO. then you may grab bar and clean into the front rack. Athlete will begin the Shoulder to Overhead movement in a standing position with hips and knees fully extended and bar in front rack position on the shoulders. Athlete may Press, Push Press, Push Jerk, or Split Jerk the barbell overhead. Or use any other means to get the bar overhead and finish with the elbows, hips, and knees fully extended, or locked out and feet together if the split jerk is performed.

L-Sit on Paralletts: Athlete must stand, then on hearing 3-2-1 GO, athlete may place hands on Parallettes and get feet above the 12” box, with legs fully extended and knees locked out. If feet touch top of box, the athlete’s attempt is over and their seconds will be scored. 1 sec = 1 rep. Scaled Knees Bent w/ Feet Off Floor: Athlete must stand, then on hearing 3-2-1 GO, athlete may place hands on Paralettes and get feet off the floor. If athlete’s feet or toes come in contact with the floor, the athlete’s attempt is over and the movement is scored. 1 sec = 1 rep

Air Squat: Athlete must stand then upon hearing 3-2-1 GO athlete will bring hip crease BELOW the level of the knee. Then athlete will rise till hips, knees are fully extended for the rep to count.

Rest: Athlete can enter the rest station and rest. Athlete may not exit the resting station till the 45 sec. interval is over.

Front Squat: Barbell will be on the ground. Athlete will remain standing, hands off bar until 3,2,1 GO, then the athlete can be grabbed and cleaned up to front rack. First rep may NOT be a squat clean. Athlete begins in front rack position standing, with hips and knees fully extended. Athlete must bring hips below parallel, then rise back into hips and knees fully extended.

Toes to Bar: Athlete must not touch the bar, then upon 3-2-1 GO, athlete begins Toes to Bar with arms fully extended and feet unsupported and behind the bar, while griping the bar using any preferred grip (overhand, underhand, alternate grip). Athlete will raise feet to the bar and BOTH feet or toes must touch the bar at the same time between the hands for the rep to count. Feet must go behind the bar at the bottom of each rep. Scaled Sit Up: Athlete may begin seated then on 3-2-1 GO athlete must touch toes then lean back and touch ground overhead, then rise to touch toes. For the rep to count, athlete must touch toes at the top and ground overhead. Knees out with soles of feet together OR knees up with feet on floor will both be acceptable as long at the other standards are met.

Doubleunder: Athlete must stand (with rope in hand OK) then upon 3-2-1 GO athlete may perform Doubleunders, the rope must pass under the body two times per jump. Scaled Singles: Athlete must stand (with rope in hand OK) then upon 3-2-1 GO athlete may perform Single jumps, the rope must pass under the body one time per jump. ATHLETES WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO USE THEIR PERSONAL ROPES. Vinyl ropes will be provided in the designated DU area in lengths of 7’ (pink), 8’ (green), 9’(blue), & 10’(yellow) with the length designated by the color of the handle. Practice ropes will be available in the warm-up area. Athletes will not be permitted to change the length of the ropes.

Power Snatch: Athlete will remain standing, hands off bar until 3,2,1,GO. Bar must travel from the floor to overhead in one motion, without any pause. Press outs ok here. Athlete must receive the bar with hip crease ABOVE parallel. Athlete must finish movement with elbows, hips and knees fully extended and locked out. Plates must touch floor to begin next rep.

Deadlift: Athlete must remain standing, hands off bar until 3,2,1 GO. Movement begins with plates on the ground, Deadlift ends with athletes hips, knees, elbows fully extended and shoulders behind the bar. Plates must touch ground in between each rep. No intentional “bouncing” the bar and catching it on the bounce.

Kettlebell Swing:  Athlete must remain standing, hands off bell until 3,2,1 GO. The swing starts at the bottom with the kettlebell bottom of the kettlebell facing down and arms extended. The kettlebell swing is complete when the bell is overhead and the ears are clearly in front of the arms. Bottom of bell should be as flush to the ceiling as possible, but a slight amount of forward lean will be permitted as long as the other standard is met (ears in front of arms). If the bottom of the bell is facing forward in the top position, that will be considered a ‘no rep’.

Judging Goals:

  • Lots of action will be going on continuously in this workout. Our goal is to make the judges job as easy as possible...that starts with the athlete executing reps above and beyond the standards so the judge doesn’t need to question it. 
  • Judges will NOT move through with the athlete. Judges will STAY at their respective stations and judge that one respective movement. Judges will be rotated during the 2:00 transition between divisions.
  • Athletes are responsible for possession of their score card at the start. Athletes MUST hand their scorecard to the judge at each station during the 15 second transition. Judges will stay at each respective station. If athlete does not hand the judge their scorecard BEFORE the start of that station, athlete will receive a ‘zero’ for that station. Athletes will NOT be allowed to retrieve a forgotten scorecard during work intervals. Athletes MAY retrieve a forgotten scorecard during the 15 second transition time.
  • We will be running ALL athletes through The Dragon, every minute on the minute, without stopping. You will be assigned a start time and MUST be at your spot in the conga-line in order to ‘Enter the Dragon’. Any athlete not in line will miss their turn, forfeit their score and receive a zero for this event. 


CrossFit AllStar