Slim Jim on Steroids! Now for sale at CFAS
Aloha athletes!
Lot's of athletes have been asking us to carry more snack type retail items in the CFAS Store and we listened!
Our delightful pigs.
Currently our pigs are born on an Amish farm in Clark, Missouri. We pick them up at about six weeks of age before which they live a lovely outdoor, albeit conventional, life. On our farm we are committed to Non-GMO animal feed. This is one of the things that sets us apart, and as a result adds to the price of what we produce. We supplement the pigs Non-GMO grain with seasonally available fruits and vegetables. We are of the feeling that copious amounts of these fruit and vegetables increases the vitamin/mineral and omega-3 content of the meat as well as imparts a unique and delicate flavor. They spend their spring free ranging about a ½ acre of field peas. Anyone who has ever had pea tendrils in a salad can attest to how delicious they are. When the peas have given up the ghost, we rotate the pigs into a thinly wooded pasture complete with shade trees, clover and abundant wildflowers. You should really come and see them at this time. It’s very picturesque (I might add that it’s during this time that my son Noah tries to sneak up and jump on their backs!). While in the woods and pasture we bring them turnips of our own growing. After that they receive a luxury of luxuries: Apples. Bushels of apples. It is the peas, turnips and apples that we feel impart that special blend of nutrition and flavor.
Click for Singing Prairie Farm WEBSITE. See below and KNOW THIS PORK COMES FROM A GREAT PLACE!
SINGING PRAIRIE FARM PORK STICKS will be available for $2.30 each. No cash after class? No problem! Simply tell the coach you'd like to put it on your account and we'll charge the same credit card we have on file for your membership! EASY!
I found out about Mammoth Bars from my friend Amy from TJ's Gym, who comes to visit us about twice a year from California. A Coach at her box helped to start this company and she brought me some of the bars one time as a gift. They were so PURE and fresh I instantly thought i'd like to carry them in our store. But, like all things handmade, it took a little research on how to get these bars. I met with the owners at a booth at the 2014 CrossFit Games when I went to watch Cheryl, and these bars seem like a good fit for us! I hope you try one when they arrive soon! Here's some info from their WEBSITE:
At last, an energy bar that is both healthy and satisfying. Welcome and congrats, the search is finally over.
It is our mission to bring you the greatest energy bar on the planet - period. We set out to accomplish this feat by hand-making each of our bars with 100% organic ingredients, sprouted nuts, baobab (what the heck is that?), and egg white protein powder for an added protein boost. We firmly believe that Mammoth Bar represents the Gold Standard in the bar market today. Don't believe us? Check out our ingredients and draw your own conclusions, because when it comes to making the greatest energy bar on the planet, you need the absolute best ingredients on the planet.
Looks like Mammoth bars are best stored in the fridge since they are hand made with no preservatives, here's what they told me about Storage:
Reminder that Mammoth Bars are made FRESH and RAW with no added preservatives, which is what makes them so great, but it also means they need a little extra care when stored. Upon arrival, for best freshness, store Mammoth Bars in the REFRIGERATOR or FREEZER. Bars stored in a cabinet or shelf will typically last 4-6 weeks. The expiration date on the package is just a guideline for "refrigerated bars". Plus, we have heard (and agree) that Mammoth Bars taste extra delicious when consumed on the cooler side!
Mammoth Bars will be for sale for $3.75 they should be in sometime this week! Mammoth Bars is also helping to sponsor the AllStar Round-Up this year!
I hope you guys enjoy some new snacks to help support your post WOD nutritional needs....all available in the AllStar store!