11/25/14 CFAS Holiday Happenings!


Thanksgiving Schedule:

Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday, Nov. 27 & 288:15am CLASS ONLY!
Come workout with your friends and bring your family! These are open workouts that will be easily scalable so please bring people with you to come check out what you do at the box, celebrate the holiday and get a great workout in to!

Waimea Christmas Parade Dec. 6th

This year's theme 'Our Kupuna...Our Kuleana'

Sign up at the gym to participate! We'll need athletes and ideas!!!!

We will again be a part of the Waimea Christmas Parade! The theme this year is perfect to feature our Kupuna CrossFit program and i'm hoping some of our Kupuna CrossFit Athletes will be able to participate by walking or waving from a vehicle! Last year you guys did FANTASTIC and I'm looking forward to being a part of this years parade (Cheryl & I were on our Mainland tour last year and missed it!) Mahalo to all those who helped last year!

AllStar Christmas Party Dec. 21 sign up online at Eventbrite!

Bring a recycled gift like last year's Disco Leisure Suit won by Don May with a Disco Ninja Dance! 

Paleo Potluck Christmas FOOD! Please come join us for the FUN and memories to be made! Special appearance by SANTA! Bring you kids and family! Check the website for details!

Ka Moku o Keawe Makahiki coming up!!!
Ka Moku o Keawe Makahiki
Waimea Park
Saturday, January 17, 2015
7am - 5pm

A spirited day of cultural activities and Hawaiian Games of skill and sport! 
CrossFit AllStar Wahine Team has won for the past 3 years in a row! We need between 6-12 people to form a team. Please consider being on the CrossFit AllStar team we will have sign ups in the gym as it gets closer. WE CAN TEACH YOU THE EVENTS DO NOT WORRY IF YOU'VE NEVER PARTICIPATED! It so much FUN!!!! KC will be volunteering again this year as a judge/official, but may of us have done these games several years now so Josh and lot's of CFAS atheltes can help coach guide beginners that day. The events range from Hukihuki (Tug-o-war), to Konane (Hawaiian Checkers), to "UluMaika (like bowling with a stone) and many more!!!

Let me know if you have any questions! I hope you can all participate in the exciting community events we have planned for the holidays! Love you all!

Coach KC


CrossFit AllStar