7/24/14 Cheryl Brost earns 2nd Place at the 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games
After a very dramatic day one, with Cheryl finishing 16th on the sled drag, she knew she had to do something on day two to make up ground. She began day 2 with an aggressive approach to the workout called '2007' where she pulled ahead of Amanda Allen in that event to claim a first place win that bumped her up to second overall. Day 3 was a fight to hold on to second, which she did with grace, determination, and drive from Cheryl that I've never seen before. She tackled the final workout, a fast skill based WOD with a 100m sprint, 5 Burpee muscle ups, & 5 snatches at 135#. Claiming third in that event gave her the points needed to claim 2nd Place overall and podium at the 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games in the Masters Division 40-44 Women. All of our CrossFit AllStar Ohana and the entire Hawaiian CrossFit Community acknowledges and respects your efforts Cheryl! You've made us all very proud! A true Wahine Hawaiian Warrior!
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