AllStars shine bright at Kona Summer Showdown

by Elin

Amazing turn out for the Summer Showdown hosted by CrossFit Kona.

A great time was had by all who participated, cheered as spectator, and volunteered at the Summer Showdown last weekend.  It was a wonderful event filled with lots of laughter, community, and good hard work.  Our Big Island CrossFit community events are an experience not to be missed!            
Each event amplifies the core values of CrossFit that we all enjoy by allowing athletes of all levels and abilities participate in the action. Compete, volunteer, or help to support our island athletes by helping to cheer them on, there is action for everyone.

AllStars represent!

CrossFit AllStar had 4 athletes help fire up the competition and each represented our Box with athleticism, spirit, and humility. We are all so very proud!

Our fearless leader...prerfect example of grace in powerful movement 
Our resident Dr. Al going head to head in friendly competition with Mesepa Tanoai from CrossFit Kona.

CrossFit AllStars Danny Adams killing it on the bench press.

Our newest athlete to the Box, Crimson, showing up to compete after only two weeks of training... AllStar represented the event on all levels... Spectators, judges, athletes, volunteers, and coaches...



















AllStars DOMINATED the final WOD, each taking first in the final heat of their division earning each of them a podium position. Al Police 1st Masters Men, KC Stallsmith 2nd Womens Open, and Crimson 2nd Mens Intermediate.



























CrossFit AllStar