9/30/14 ROUND UP WOD 1 RELEASED! "Paid in Pounds"
AllStar Round-Up 2014 WOD #1
"Paid in Pounds" ![](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/638e542088992844f3716722/t/639cff4fa866054f20f3ddc8/1412038871067/1000w/Alika+oh.jpg)
With a 4 minute running clock athletes will attempt a 1 Rep Max Snatch, OR athletes also have a choice to perform Target Burpees to accumulate weight on their Snatch.
Burpee Conversion:
1 Target Burpee = 3lbs
*We will use the word ‘Burpee’ in the rest of the description, you can assume we mean ‘Target Burpee’.
- Any Burpees performed will accumulate and count towards the total weight of the 1RM Snatch.
- You may perform as many Burpees as you’d like in 4 minutes.
- You must perform a Snatch. If you only perform Burpees your total score will be zero for this event. The Snatch may be performed with an unloaded barbell, and the weight of the barbell will count towards your score. If you need lighter bars let us know ahead!
- Once you are done with Burpees and you take a Snatch attempt, you may not go back to your burpees.
- For the Snatch, there will be no de-loading, so if you miss your Snatch attempt you may not go down in weight.
- Athletes will load their own bar for the Snatch, with collars.
A 45# Barbell will be used by all Men’s Divisions
A 35# Barbell will be used by all Women’s Divisions
*If you need a lighter barbell please notify us at least 2 days prior to the event.
Each lane will be provided with a set of 45, 25, 15, 10, 5, 2.5lbs plates.
Lock Jaw collars will be provided and required.
Lane Set Up
Movement Standards
Burpee: Athlete MUST stand until they hear the ‘GO’ of 3,2,1 GO! False starters will be disqualified! Athlete must stay within their lane. If athlete chooses to use Burpees to count towards their total weight, they will first perform a Burpee. Athlete will bring chest and thighs to the ground at the bottom of each Burpee (top of chest, not lower abdomen). Athlete must then rise and touch the target overhead at the top of the Burpee. Target will be measured to 6” above the athletes standing reach. (Instructions for measuring athletes TBA. But expect each athlete to get measured during the transition time before their heat. Yes, I just said that.) If athlete performs a ‘Good Rep’ Burpee at the bottom, but misses the target at the top, they may re-perform the jump to touch target, without having to re-do the entire Burpee.
1 RM Snatch: Once the clock starts, the athlete may perform as many or as few Burpee's as desired. When the athlete begins to load the bar, the opportunity to perform Burpees stops. It is then the goal to perform a 1Rm snatch.
- Multiple attempts may be made.
- Weight can be added, but not removed.
- The final score is in pounds, highest completed snatch weight + total accumulated Burpees (1 Burpee = 3 lbs)
- Athlete must load their own bar, clips required.
- The barbell goes directly from the ground to overhead in one motion WITHOUT a pause at the hip or hang position.
- Only the bottoms of the feet may touch the ground during the Snatch.
- This may be a Power Snatch, Squat Snatch or Split Snatch.
- Arms must lock out on the Snatch, press outs will not be permitted. An imperceptible amount of press out is allowed...any press out that is seen by the judge will be deemed a ‘No Rep’.
- Bar may not rest on the body at any point during the Snatch, and bar may not touch the head.
- Movement is complete when the athlete is standing with the load overhead and the knees, hips, and elbows are fully extended. Feet need to come back together if the Split Snatch is executed.
Our Judging goals:
- Present workouts that are a valid test of fitness with equal judging for all participants.
- Judges will be randomly placed with athletes for each event. You will not have the same judge all day.
- Present movements in the workouts that are easily measured, and take the human element out of it as much as possible. Thus, the Target Burpee.
- Empower the judges by presenting movements that are easily judge-able to help build confidence.
- Keep audience engagement with judging positive by making the movements transparent and straight forward.