CrossFit AllStar New You 6 Week Fitness Challenge!
CROSSFIT ALLSTAR NEW YOU 6 WEEK FITNESS CHALLENGE a complete beginner course FOR WOMEN ONLY. Orientation on JAN 27TH at 10am, classes start Jan 29th on Monday and Wednesdays 10:30am or 5:30pm & Sat. 10am. You must be a BEGINNER, female, and ready to work hard! Program includes & requires you to attend 3 Classes/week (all women classes just for the participants), use the provided Nutrition Program, and commit yourself to change!
Find a video on the program here:
Please share with your female friends who may have been to intimidated to try CrossFit! MAHALO!
I am also willing to accept previous female CrossFitters who have been gone from the gym for a while, and want a NEW START TO A NEW YOU. We can discuss your situation and new goals at the interview.
For more info or to apply CONTACT COACH KC AT 808-357-7851 call or text
Find Coach KC on Facebook as KC Stallsmith to message questions
Mahalo for sharing!
Hope to see you in your interview! Again, CALL KC to schedule an interview 808-357-7851
KC Stallsmith
KC Stallsmith
* Owner * Motivator * * 808.357.7851 *
* Owner * Motivator * * 808.357.7851 *
Have an AllStar day!