AllStar Special Events: September 2011

  • Septemper 3: CrossFit AllStar Grand Opening Party!!!
  • Now offer 20 plus classes a week from CrossFit, to Yoga, to Olympic Weightlifting, to CrossFit Kids and Teens.
  • Olympic Weightlifting Club every Sunday for FREE to our athletes.
  • FREE FRIDAY 4:30 Community CrossFit class ONCE A WEEK at AllStar. This allows members of the community to get educated about CrossFit and sample CrossFit at no cost to them. This has become one of my favorite classes to teach because the folks who come show up with a beginners mind, they usually know nothing about CrossFit, and when I am done with them they not only know what it is, they know how it feels! It’s so wonderful to share this gift!
  • September 17: FREE movie night this month at AllStar and we'll turn our gym into a movie theater! We will be showing a movie once a month that is based on health and wellness and CrossFit, for free for the community. This month's pic was "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead", an inspiring story about an Australian who cures himself of disease by ingesting high concentrations of micro-nutrients through juice fasting. Amazing how quickly the body can heal itself when given the right high quality, non processed, nutrient dense plant foods.

CrossFit AllStar