10/25/11 The Virgin Rx

-Written by KC

CrossFit Rx

For those of you who have been CrossFitting for a while now, do you remember the first time you were able to Rx a WOD and actually do the prescribed workout with no subs or modifications? It's a glorious feeling, and I saw it happen today to two of our AllStar athletes! The look on their faces when they actually complete the prescribed work is worth a thousand words. Any obstacle in every day life pales in comparison to the strength gained from going Rx.

 Right: Ulu on the box! Layne Deadlifts.






 The Dead Hang Pull Up

We have been working the dead hand pull up at AllStar increasing our strength. Using the bands and kipping the heck out of a pull up will not make us stronger, it will teach up how to use momentum which is good in some applications, but nothing beats the dead hang pull up for increasing strength. It's funny, but once you learn how to kip, the dead hang kinda gets left behind for the sexy kipping pull up. Not any more! If the dead hang pull up is not available to you, take a look at the picture on the right. You can work with a partner and spot them by holding their shins or shoe laces and placing their feet on your thighs. This works you way more than using a band, or doing a jumping pull up. No partner? Use a box or chair under the bar and spot yourself with your legs, using hardly any legs just enough to get your chin above the bar. THIS is how I learned how to do pull ups, I didn't even know what a band or kip was. It is possible.



AllStars Go Rx!

Here is Layne going strong on her first Rx wod today! Carrie Jenkins also did Rx for the first time today!


AllStar Men

Our guys packed the house at the 5:30 class today. Right: Medicine Ball Sit Up Tabatas in the warm up.

Below Top Left: Arjun Deadlifting in the wod

Below Top Right: Josh and Don

Bottom Left: AllStar is quiet while athletes run in the wod

Bottom Right: Josh and Don finish even and recuperate

CrossFit Kid AllStar

Lexy never stops, she did this after her CrossFit Kids class, for the PURE FUN of it!

CrossFit Kids Workout of the Day

Warm Up:

-Obstacle course of speed ladder broad jump, tarzan bar walk 15 ft., 10 box jumps, 10 squats


The Pull Up


KIDS MADE THEIR OWN each of them contributed a movement:


1 Military Ladder Ascent

20 Sit Ups

3 times up and down Kids Cage

10 Broad Jumps

40 Squats

5 Pull Ups

3 Backwards Summersaults

Workout of the Day (Adult)

Warm Up:

-Handstand Practice 5 min.

-Tabata Medicine Ball Sit Ups

-3 x 5 Dead Hang Pull Ups

-3 Samson Stratch ea. side

Skill Set:

20 Tuck and ball up on the rings (Must have prerequisite strength of a toes to bar, if that is not available to you, work on static plane bar, toes to bar or as high as possible) Make last one better than first.


12 Deadlifts (185/135)

3 Burpee Box Jumps

400 m. Run

9 Deadlifts

6 Burpee Box Jumps

400 m. Run

6 Deadlifts

9 Burpee Box Jumps

400 m. Run

3 Deadlifts

12 Burpee Box Jumps

400 m. Run


CrossFit AllStar