10/3/11 CrossFit AllStar Celebrates One Month Anniversary!

-Written by KC

"I do not think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature." John D. Rockefeller

Happy One Month Anniversary CFAS!

Aloha Friends!

We celebrated our 1 month anniversary at CrossFit AllStar today and I am so proud of all the PROGRESS we have all made! Athletes have already had to erase goals off the goal board and write new ones in just 30 days! I am feeling really good about all the hard work, blood, sweat, and tears that went into AllStar and I thank you all for your support and dedication to this program. This was a very big step for me and my family, and as most of you know, a scary one. Having faith in myself, in CrossFit, and tremendous community support has given us the best possible start. I have taken everything to heart and implemented many things that were only dreams before, and now they become realities! It feels right and good! WE DID IT!

RECAP of this wild ride:

June 12, 2011 successfully submitted an application to become a CrossFit and CrossFit Kids Affiliate.

July 14, 2011 received final word from CrossFit Inc. that we are now CrossFit AllStar! Hold first class as CrossFit AllStar at HPA facility.

June to August 2011: Building our box(AND our website!). BIG thanks to AllStar carpenter/coach/husband of mine Josh Stallsmith! Many thanks to Arjun Clarry, Don May, and many, many more AllStars who came to help with construction and painting.

September 3, 2011 CrossFit AllStar Grand Opening Party!

In the 3 months over summer, we managed to apply to become an affiliate with all the requirements that come with it, build our box the ground up from scratch, order all gear, create a website and fill with content as a resource for our community, host Grand Opening Party event and transition all existing clients and classes to new space. We literally HIT THE GROUND RUNNING!

In the last 30 DAYS since opening we have:

*Hosted the CrossFit AllStar Grand Opening Party and opened our doors for business.

*Successfully signed up a new army of CrossFitters expanding our CrossFit family in greater numbers and faster that I could have dreamed.

*Offered 20 plus classes a week from CrossFit, to Yoga, to Olympic Weightlifting, to CrossFit Kids and Teens.

*Host an Olympic Weightlifting Club every Sunday for FREE to our athletes.

*Teach a FREE community CrossFit class ONCE A WEEK at AllStar. This allows members of the community to get educated about CrossFit and sample CrossFit at no cost to them. This has become one of my favorite classes to teach because the folks who come show up with a beginners mind, they usually know nothing about CrossFit, and when I am done with them they not only know what it is, they know how it feels! It’s so wonderful to share this gift!

*Hosted our first FREE movie night this month at AllStar and turned our gym into a movie theater! We will be showing a movie once a month that is based on health and wellness and CrossFit, for free for the community.

*Volunteered at Kanu O ka Aina Charter School once a week teaching yoga to Kindergarten and 1st grade. No matter how busy I feel I am with this new business, this volunteer teaching has added a wonderful feeling to my life! AND brought me closer to my own 2 kids.

*Been featured in the North Hawaii News an article:

Click HERE to read "CrossFit Growning by Leaps and Bounds"
by Ron Eland

Concept of putting community first

This concept has proven to be very powerful to the work that we are doing and has given us a guiding light to follow. It is only the natural evolution for CrossFit. It seems that the more we give, the more we get back, and that is a sweet reality of all this. This is what the intention was for AllStar. The last 30 days since the opening have been filled with dreams come true, literally. There are so many things I we wanted to do but didn't have the space, facility, or resources before. Now all our manifestations are a reality! SO COOL! Here’s what’s in store for the next 30 days coming up:

*Olympic Weightlifting Workshop with Clay Reed, Oct. 16th 11-1pm

*Womens Self Defense Course with Don May, Nov. 5th & 19th, 10-11:30am

*FREE Movie Night, Oct. 14th, 7:15 pm

*Barbells for Boobs Fundraising Event for Mammograms in Action, Oct.22, 5:30pm

*Halloween Throwdown, Monday, Oct. 31st times to be announced

Much love and appreciation from CrossFit AllStar owner, motivator and coach,

CrossFit AllStar Grand Opening Event

We literally had our Grand Opening Party and were open for business teaching classes the very day of the opening and from that day on we have opened every day teaching over 20 classes a week. We never had time to share the grand opening event on our own website! So without further adieu....

Josh Stallsmith, Joel Tessier, Tammie Akau, and KC Stallsmith have "Fran" Fun at AllStar Grand Opening


Hawaiian Blessing

Aunty Kalaokahaku Akima, a dedicated CrossFit Athlete who trains with us religiously, gave AllStar a most beautiful blessing. She had us all bring native plants, each symbolizing a part of our growth, which she made into a Lei Piko, which still hangs above AllStar's entrance.







Many members of the Waimea, Kohala, and Hamakua area community showed up to see what CrossFit is all about! There were as many children there as adults! It was wonderful!








 CrossFit AllStar Don May blessed us with his music.

Joel Tessier came out from CrossFit Big Island to support AllStar. Joel has been a friend, coach, and mentor to me as I went through the affiliation process. I cannot thank him enough!


Lele Trampoline Bungie was giving rides all day to children and adults alike. We were truly blessed on Opening Day with great friends, and good fun!



CrossFit Kids!

 Childrens foot race at Grand Opening!




 Today, 30 days later........


 We celebrate with a WORKOUT!

Handstand Push Up practice.

Kelly practices for the next circus.

Pua'ala demonstrates a beautiful modification for the Handstand Push Up.

Workout of the Day

Five rounds for time of:
6 Handstand push-ups
12 Chest-to-bar pull-ups
24 Weighted walking lunges, 35 pound dumbbells


CrossFit AllStar