11/14/11 Big WOD, Big FUN

-Written by KC

Burpee Broad Jump Races at AllStar: Coach Don vs. Coach KC = FUN

Coach Josh rigs up Pull Up assistance bands as play time fun!

Varied Warm Ups

Alfred does a Scorpion Stretch in the warm up. We WOD hard, but we also include games, skills, and various activities you might see children doing on a playground to help keep our bodies flexible and our hearts young.

Push Jerk

We worked on the Push Jerk and L-Pull Up today. Amazing how wods can look small on the white board, then upon execution you realize how big it really is. This was one of those days.

As the L-Pull Ups become more difficult during the wod, the legs become harder and harder to hold up, and eventually bend(they should remain straight). It's the force that it takes to continue pressing the legs out and up, that makes this Pull Up an incredible amount of work. Love it!

Below: Modification for the L-Pull Up, using the band, with one leg lifted.


CrossFit AllStar