11/18/11 "Elizabeth"

-Written by KC

The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.  ~John Powell

Squat Clean

Tammie and Ulu pulling through the middle of the Squat Clean. You can see the vertical force generated as they even rise up on the toes. The arms however, are breaking and bending just a weeeee bit early, before they reach full extension of the hips. Super common and something we are ALL working on, and will probably never master. For us, this lift is about the process of learning, and these ladies look far better, and understand far more than they did even just a couple of months ago. Progress continues!

Workout of the Day

Warm Up:

1 on 1 Dodge ball

Burgener Warm Up


The Clean: Technique.

Folks should go light if they are still working on correct form.




Clean (135/95)

Ring dips

Extra Credit: 100 situps


 Enjoying Paleolithic Eating

As AllStar begins it's Paleo Powered Holidays Food Challenge, I am finding myself tightening up even more on Nutrition. I tend to keep a steady pace with pretty strict Paleo nutrition, and I like the lifestyle, but even for me it's hard to get completely away from refined sugars and the convenience of a processed protein bar. However, I find that the more micro nutrients I eat, the less crap I crave, and this is my battle sword. Tonight's meal, cooked by Josh, was an omelette with organic eggs, turkey, Canadian bacon, onions, collard greens, and topped with avocado and salsa. Easy to make, super yummy, very filling, and packed with protein. A winner for breakfast or dinner.

Below: Results from "Elizabeth"


CrossFit AllStar