11/19/11 Saturday Morning AllStars
-Written by KC
We love kids here at AllStar so please make the excuse to come work out and bring your kids! If you come after school bring their homework, we get down to business here no matter if we are training adults or supporting children with schooling. We are also a CrossFit Kids Affiliate: Check out our CrossFit Kids program by clicking HERE!
Right: Charile's Dad brought her here on a Saturday morning, he trained and she played. It works!
Say what? The Handstand Push Up! If this movement is not available to you yet we have many modifications and progressions, like using a box, or the Down Dog push up. Still lots of work, which will allow you to earn the Handstand Push Up.
Below: You can see Layne (Front) in a nice hollow core handstand position, toes pointed, and proper back position. Once the hollow core position breaks you start to see the sway back, or banana back begin which would need correction to maintain the integrity of the back.
Workout of the Day
Warm Up:
Jumprope Lesson (singles, split legs out/in, fwd. backwd., swing rope, cross over, double unders)
Group Warm Up: TEAMS (ex. 3 groups of 4?)
Walking lunge (Fwd/Backwd)
Bear Crawl (Fwd/ Backwd)
Broad Jump
Burpee Broad Jump (With cheek to ground)
Fallen Comrade Drill
WOD: (use boxes or D.dog push up as mod for HSPU)
For time:
21 Handstand push-ups
400 meter Run
21 Weighted pull-ups
15 Handstand push-ups
400 meter Run
15 Weighted Pull-ups
9 Handstand Push-ups
400 meter Run
9 Weighted Pull-ups
Yoga: 20min.