11/8/11 CrossFit Kids Tabata What We Learned!
-Written by KC
No matter how calmly you try to referee, parenting will eventually produce bizarre behavior, and I'm not talking about the kids. Their behavior is always normal. -Bill Cosby
Someday these videos will be classic! My own daughter goofing off the MOST!
CrossFit Kids Animal Soccer!
The kids played animal soccer in their warm up today. Same 'no hands' rules as soccer, but they were either a 'Bear' or a 'Crab'. If I called them a 'Bear' they had to play the game in using a bear crawl to get around, if I switched it and called out 'Crab' they had to switch to a crab walk with belly up on hands and feet to get around. They had 3 minutes to try to score on their opponents team.
Angry Gorilla Back
Below: Lexey and Wolfgang both use the 'Angry Gorilla Back' as the most important part of their lift. By creating a big chest in front, and flat back with the natural curves of the spine and lumbar in back, they simulate and 'Angry Gorilla'. Holding the body in this position requires work and flexibility. Initiating the lift from this place will help protect the back and set them up for a lifetime of correct body movement and safe lifting.
Hold Up the Sky!
Della demonstrates her Push Press and "Holds up the Sky".
CrossFit Kids Workout of the Day
Warm Up:
Discuss House Rules, where to put backpacks and shoes, eating food outside only, throwing trash in garbage, being responsible for Kids Cage clean up.
3 min. Animal Soccer
Skill Work:
Review Front Squat
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (SDLHP)
Push Press (vs. Thruster)
"Tabata What We Learned"
20 sec. of work followed by 10 sec. rest for 8 rounds of the following
Front Squat
Push Press
The adults even played animal soccer in the warm up today!
In the L-Sit the legs should remain straight, but due to issues of flexibility and tight, short hamstrings this is often a challenge for people and you will see the knees bending. Keep fighting for form! To increse flexibility, the yoga asana Paschimottanasana, the seated forward bend, could help. It's one of the poses we do often here at AllStar, shown below.
Sit on the floor with legs extended and together, inner spiral the thights and move them apart so you feel the sitting bones rooted. With a tall spine fold forward, lead with the heart, and slowly start to lengthen the hamstrings. A little bit over time, with a steady practice of this or other stretches can increase flexibility.
Right: Josh killed the workout tonight, up the 15ft. rope in 2-3 pulls!
Toes to Bar
Marta's first day getting Toes to Bar, consistently, and with grace. No head flinging back. Right ON!
Workout of the Day
Warm Up:
3 min. CrossFit Animal Soccer
2 min. accumulated time in an L-Sit progression on boxes, parallettes, rings, rings with turn out, or bar.
Five rounds for time of:
15' Rope climb, 3 ascents
10 Toes to bar
21 Walking lunge steps with 45lb plate held overhead
Run 400 meters