11/30/11 Check Your Ego at the Door

-Written by KC

“The ego wants to want more than it wants to have.” ― Eckhart Tolle

CrossFit Kids After Party

Below you can see the good times had by our kids at AllStar. Not only do they workout in our CrossFit Kids classes, but they are perfectly at home while their parents train. A blessing!

Check Your Ego at the Door

By Raw Fitness Maui

I thought this would be good to share. Our box is different, we have ALL kinds of athletes, families, and kids. Although I wanted AllStar to be community and family based, even I get caught up in 'ME' sometimes, the ego. Especially when I perform some great skill that I've been practicing forever like a Muscle Up, I wrongfully attach myself to that and believe that I am somehow better than I was. Well, if I could no longer do a Muscle Up someday would I be somehow worse that I am now. NO. I am great no matter what I can or cannot accomplish, I am more than my ego and my ego should not have to prove anything to anyone. Easy to say, but hard to do sometimes when we are all competing in a WOD. Ego, we've all got it, and here's a great post to help manage it for the benefit of all in our box.

Check Your Ego At the Door 

Ego can be defined as "a great feeling of your own importance and ability"

Sometimes we get so caught up in the numbers game that we forget about why we are training. We get so focused on hitting a specific weight, doing a WOD as prescribed, or beating someone's time that we lose focus and use unsound or unsafe technique, use a weight that is more than we can handle, or scale inappropriately just to get a better time. All of these things will blunt the training effect and ultimately undermine your fitness.  It is important to remember that we come to the gym to challenge ourselves, to improve our own levels of fitness. Don't get me wrong, competition is good. It drives us to work harder and pushes us to our limits. But when this competition starts affecting the quality of our training, respect for fellow athletes, or the spirit of our community, then it is time to step back and refocus.

Train Smart

We are striving for virtuosity in our movements. Remember that it is technique, consistency, and then intensity...in that order. You should not be trying to go heavier or go faster until you are proficient with the movement and can perform it well across repetitions. If that means that you need to scale a movement or weight, then do it. If it means settling for a lesser weight rather than risking injury while pursuing a PR, then that's just being smart.

Some days you just won't feel 100%. It may be due to lack of sleep, stress from work or life, sub-par nutrition, or a combination of these things. If you feel like scaling the workout for that day, do it. Coming down with a cold or tweaked a muscle? If you need to take a rest day or two, do it. You have nothing to prove to anyone and there is no shame in it. You will ultimately be a better athlete for it and we'll see you back in the gym healthier, stronger and ready to go!

So let's check our egos at the door. Train hard but train smart.

Warm Up:
Run 800 Meters then:
Every minute on the minute for 8 minutes:
5 Hollow Rocks
5 Sit Ups
3 Burpees

Muscle Up  and Progressions


Run 1 Mile for time

Front squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps


CrossFit AllStar