12/1/11 One Handed Pull Ups & "Lil Diane"

-Written by KC

If you have the ability to imagine it, or even to think about it, this Universe has the ability and the resources to deliver it fully unto you. -Esther & Jerry Hicks

CrossFit Kids do "Lil Diane" and learn CFK Nutrition!


At right you can see the results, the kids all range in age from 6 to 12 years old. Finally figured out how to get some real honest numbers from them on their max reps: Partner them up and one friend counts while the other performs the movement. During the workout I let them know I do NOT care about their time, in fact we weren't even timing the workouts for a while cause they were all just rushing through. Now, I am timing their wod, but letting them know very clearly that the form on their movements counts the most, and if their form is off it doesn't count. They are getting the idea and learning a lot!

CrossFit Kids Nutrition

I introduced the CFK nutrition piece this week, and the kids had a lot to offer after they heard the CrossFit nutrition prescription:

Our goal with kids is not to get them on the Zone or any other highly specific diet. Rather, our goal is to get them to think and make good choices about what they eat. Our goal is to teach them very basic concepts. For example, sugar is “bad”; protein is “good” and should be included in every meal; nuts and seeds are “good” fats; pasta, white bread, white rice, and even whole grains are not that good for you; colorful fruits and vegetables are good for you.

Look at your plate, make a fist, eat that much meat every meal. Next, turn your hand over and fill it with nuts and seeds, eat that much good fat. Fill the rest of your plate with fruit and vegetables. Fill your plate this way at every meal; do not eat more.

Adults attempt One Handed Pull Ups!

Below you can see Tracy attempting the one handed pull up with the band, as well as Karl. Isolating each side of the body was the theme for today's wod, which included Pull Ups with each hand and Dumbbell Thrusters with a single dumbbell in each hand working each arm separately.

Below you can see Robyn and Georgia working the One Armed Dumbbmell Thruster.

Workout of the Day

Warm Up:

Run 800m.


Speed Ladders


Dumbbell Thruster and One Handed Pull Up


Using a single 60lb dumbbell for thrusters(scale appropriately), 3 rounds, 21-15-9 reps of:

Thrusters right arm

Thrusters left arm

"One-hand" pull-up right arm (left hand grabs the right wrist)

"One-hand" pull-up left arm (right hand grabs the left wrist)



CrossFit AllStar