12/2/11 800m. Runs & Cleans

-Written by KC

If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."-Lao-tzu

The Power Clean

The wod today was full of Cleans. Lot's of them. Like 63 of them. With 800 meters of running in between, just enough to fatigue the body and cardiovascular system plenty before getting back on the bar. Tricky indeed. Performing technical lifts like the clean, under circumstances of pure fatigue and exhaustion, might seem crazy to some, but this is CrossFit and this is high intensity functional movement.

Right: You can see Tammie Akau keeping the bar so close that the bottom of her shirt is lifted up, this is good.

Below Left: Kip is back in from Honolulu setting up for a Clean.

Right: Kit approaches the bar after the run.


Tammie has lots of power, you can clearly see her vertical gain off the floor with the load. She's moving large loads, long distances over time....our definition of fitness.

Workout of the Day

Warm Up:

1 min. rounds X 2 of the following:

Pull Ups
Plank Hold
Jump Rope


Power Clean


Complete three rounds for time of:

Run 800m

155 pound Power cleans, 21 reps


CrossFit AllStar