12/3/11 The "Lumberjack 20"

-Written by KC

"Discipline gives you total freedom; it allows you to go beyond limitations, to break through boundries and reach the highest goal."-Swami Chidvilasananda

Warm Ups Can be Fun!

Right: When everyone came in today, I had them play in the kids area for 5 min. Sometimes it's fun just to 'play', and connect with fellow athletes in a new way.

"LumberJack 20"

The Lumberjack 20 is one of my favorite CrossFit workouts, some people might not feel that way, but I like it cause it offers a taste of A LOT of varied CF movements with running in betwen. I was AMAZED that everyone finished this workout. AllStar was loaded and we had enough gear, enough space, and enough spirit to tackle this wod no problem. It was so great to see that CrossFit doesn't need to be stereotyped, we have ALL kinds of athletes training here. The only thing that sets them apart from everyone else is their mindset and love for CF.

Isometric Holds

Sandra(Right) held Navasana the longest. Well, the longest adult. Koai'a (Below), 7 yrs, held it the longest out of the whole group. You can see his proud Dad, Don May looking on.

 The 6AM AllStars hitting the Lumberjack 20 hard.

Kettlebell swings on the front porch, down town Kamuela.

The workout today was pretty brutal....

but as always, everyone has the option to scale the weight and their loads.

1.5 Pood KB finally feeling good for little ole me.






 Getting down to business.....


Workout of the Day

Warm Up:

5 minutes of play in kids area


Max L-Hang on bar

Max hold bottom of squat

Max hold Chaturanga(bottom of push up)

Max hold Navasana(V-sit)


All barbell and KB movements in todays wod


"Lumberjack 20"

20 Deadlifts (275lbs)

Run 400m

20 KB swings (2pood)

Run 400m

20 Overhead Squats (115lbs)

Run 400m

20 Burpees

Run 400m

20 Pullups (Chest to Bar)

Run 400m

20 Box jumps (24")

Run 400m

20 DB Squat Cleans (45lbs each)

Run 400m


CrossFit AllStar