12/5/11 Confidence & Determination

-Written by KC

Remember, you’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think. -Unknown

OK. So check out both of these videos of our beloved Marta. In this video, you hear her confidence level at about a zero, she pulls the bar off the rack, and says, "I don't know if I can do this". Re-rack.

Next video, you see her second attempt. Confident, and lifting the same load, and makes the lift. I am not commenting on her technique (she's so strong she presses the weight up), what impresses me is that she attempted the same lift twice with the same weight, and improved her lift simply by improving her confidence level. She believed in herself. After she says, "I did it!"

Workout of the Day

Warm Up:

6 Rounds

Double Unders 30 sec.

Push Ups 20 sec.

Then: 1 min. each: Leg Raises, Med Ball Sit Up, Ice Cream Makers, Toes to Rings, Flutterkicks, Hollow Rocks, Handstand (with spotter focused on Hollow core)


Split Jerk


Split Jerk



CrossFit AllStar