12/6/11 Go Upside Down

-Written by KC

Your never to old to become younger.- Mae West

Handstand Practice

The whole box, everyone, is improving on their handstands. Practice makes perfect, and we practiced going upside down many times today. If fact, we go upside down almost every day at AllStar. The body and mind will start to feel more and more comfortable in this position the more you try. It's just plain fun to see the world from a new perspective, and it also reverses the signs of gravity on the body(you will feel and look younger)!

Right: Ruth K. holds a beautiful handstand while practicing in todays warm up, with beautiful Kamuela out the back door of our CrossFit box.

Below: Suzy Andrade (my children's kindergarten and first grade teacher!) does her first handstand kick up by herself and holds it for quite a while! She was stoked!

Ball Up and Tuck

We had a skill set today of 20 ball up and tucks on the rings, working in groups with partners to help spot. The idea here is to keep a nice closed position, chin tucked, toes pointed, and hips over shoulders. It's difficult to 'feel' where you body is in space, so our partners helped tell us if the hips were far enough over so the body is vertical. From here there are many other positions you can take on the rings, but this was our focus today.




Leslie and Lauren work on getting a full pull, with body angle in the back.



Stretch and Yoga

After the wod, on Mon., Wed, 8:30am and Sat. 6am, we take time to stretch and do yoga. Below you can see Monica and Suzy open up the chest with a wall stretch, which feels great after all the push ups and burpees they performed in the workout today!











Workout of the Day

Warm Up:

Handstand Practice 10 min.

Skill Set:

20 Ball Up and Tuck Position on Rings


AMRAP 20 Min.

250m. Row

25 Push Ups

If you are waiting for rower you are doing as many burpees as possible. When rower is open, first one to get to the rower gets on. Competing to get to the rower is completely acceptable:) Score is number of rounds plus number of burpees together.


CrossFit AllStar