12/21/11 CrossFit Possibilities
-Written by KC
Before you can do something that you’ve never done before, you have to imagine it’s possible. -Jean Shinoda Bolen
CrossFit Goes Beyond Possibilities
CrossFit is not just about performing the Workout of the Day and going home. Most CrossFitters know it's much more than that, and it goes much deeper. CrossFit is about believing in yourself. It's about believing in yourself so much, that you actually perform feats you might have, at one time, thought were never possible. It's about having that much mind power, confidence, and determination. It's about knowing you CAN, maybe not today, but someday. It's about doing your BEST, right here, right now, because you KNOW it's going to lead the way to something more. Something MUCH more. There is a drive in a CrossFitter. A drive, and a will to be the greatest self possible. CrossFit takes you to this greatness, and allows you to know it, taste it, and live it.
Right: Chelsea Morris cranking out the Double Unders
Below: Kip and Kit on the 100 Wall Ball Shots
Life has no limitations, except the ones you make. -Les Brown
We all have possibilities we don’t know about. We can do things we don’t even dream we can do. -Dale Carnegie
Below: Don May in the Deadlift portion of the WOD 255lbs. for 15 reps.
The only things that stand between a person and what they want in life are the will to try it and the faith to believe it's possible. -Richard M. DeVos
Above: Jamie finishing off the WOD with a 400m Run with a 25# plate, and Kit working the 200 Double Unders with a smile!
Believe there are no limits but the sky. -Cervantes
CrossFit & Yoga
Yoga offers a sweet reward at the end of our wod. 20-30 min. is offered 3 times per week after mid-morning wods. I believe our box benefits from these types of classes, and I am fortunate, as the owner and lead coach, to also be a certified yoga instructor and able to offer these types of CrossFit classes. Double your pleasure!
Workout of the Day
Warm Up:
400m Run, Then:
3 Rounds: 10 Squats, 5 Pull Ups, 10 Push Ups
Scorpion Stretch
3 Rope Ascents
For time:
10 Handstand push-ups
250 pound Deadlift, 15 reps (185lbs)
25 Box jumps, 30 inch box (24")
50 Pull-ups
100 Wallball shots, 20 pounds, 10' (14lbs., 9')
200 Double-unders
Run 400 meters with a 45lb plate (25lb)
All things are possible to him who believes. -Jesus