9/22/11 Weighted Push Ups and CF Kids AllStars
If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. -Milton Burle
-Posted by KC
CrossFit AllStar Weighted Push Up
Ulu with a 45# weighted push up
(Note children running in the background, totally AllStar)
Workout of the Day
Weighted Push Up
5 Rounds (Big Dogs) or 3 Rounds (Puppies)
20 Dumbell Clean & Jerk
400 m. Run
20 Dumbell Thruster
Recommended Weights: 40# DB Men, 20# DB Women
or scale appropriately. Some of our men subbed with barbells for appropriate load.
After class hi-5's!
CrossFit Kids AllStars
Skill: The Shoulder Press
Workout of the Day:
3 Rounds
Run 50 m. w/ bean bag drop
5 Shoulder Press (Hold up the sky)
10 Squats