9/30/11 We ARE AllStars!

-Written by KC

In a contest between patience and power, bet on patience. -Dan Millman

I felt like crying today....

During the workout today, everyone looked so great that I felt so happy I really had tears of joy welling up. I knew that once we had our own facility, and I could really structure a CrossFit program based on what Coach Glassman had in mind, everyone would progress rapidly and indeed it's TRUE! Everyone is really getting the idea of CrossFit and feeling for the Olympic lifts, which are a third of a component of the program, along with gymnastics and metabolic conditioning like running and rowing. It is so daunting at first when you are learning. It feels awkward, goofy, and weird to be lifting up a load with the hips and legs, instead of with the arms like most of us have been conditioned (without knowing better) to do. Let alone try to figure out a vertical bar path and a  bunch of other complexities. This stuff is nuts! I tell you what, when the 5:30pm class was asked tonight if they all knew what a "Clean" was, and they all nodded back and said "yes", I couldn't have felt prouder at that moment. These folks, male and female, all ages and abilities actually know what a Power Clean is, and the fundamentals of how to perform one! Hallelujah! SO COOL!

No, we are not perfect, nor do we want to be. But we are getting better every day. We see, and feel, PROGRESS. It is not something 'airy fairy' that we talk about, we actually SEE REAL RESULTS that are RECORDABLE and MEASURABLE. Amazing.

I feel so blessed that Josh, my husband is also a CrossFit Level 1 Trainer and spoils me by coaching sometimes so I can train with my crew as a treat. GOOD FUN!

FREE Community class every Friday at 4:30!

This is one of the more fun parts of AllStar! Wet invite anyone in the community, average folks who know nothing about CrossFit, give them an hour at AllStar, and by the end they not only know what CrossFit is but they know how it feels. And they have FUN! Great job today!









CrossFit really is something you can do with your entire family, and at AllStar that is how we like it! Today Ruth brought in her parents, Mark and Jan from New Hampshire. This is the most special aspect of what we do.








 Real results FAST

When Marta first started training with us, she couldn't do a ring hold. Today, about 4 months later, she GOT IT!  (The word 'results' here implies increased strength. Lower body fat and increased muscle is just a great side affect.)


Workout of the Day



Squat Clean (135/85)

Ring Dip


CrossFit AllStar