1/25/12 The Front Squat & "Annie"

-Written by KC

Progress Continues at AllStar

Seems like every day something wonderful happens at CrossFit AllStar in Waimea. Gavin got his first Double Under this morning at 5AM(see photo Below). Chelsea performed her first beautiful Ring Inversion at 8:30AM(see photo at Right). And Ulu PR'd her Front Squat at 5PM. And the cycle continues of progress and performance gains here at AllStar. I knew in my heart this was going to happen when we could build our own facility and program for CrossFit the way Greg Glassman had in mind. And so it is. Progress is absolutely inevitable. It is already happening!

Here you can see variations in the way folks grip the bar in the rack position. Top Left: Chelsea has pretty good wrist flexibility but could benefit from keeping her elbows a little bit higher when performing the Front Squat. Bottom Right: Arjun has no problem with writs flexibility, and you can see how high he keeps his elbows, which helps him maintain an upright posture when lowering down into his Front Squat position.

Below Right: Kip comes in and does "Annie" and earns himself 2nd position on the leader board with a time of 7:35. Below Left: Yoga, Parivritta Uttanasana (twisted forward bend), after the 8:30 class. CrossFit AllStar offers a half hour of yoga after the 8:30 class on Mon. & Wed., and after the 6am class on Saturdays.

Wrokout of the Day

Warm Up:

Fish Game 1:00 each

10 Ring Dips or 10 ring hold + 10 bench dips

5 Handstand Attempts

1 Rope Ascent

1 Inversion on the rings


Front squat 2-2-2-2-2-2 reps




Double Unders

Sit Ups

CrossFit AllStar