11/1/12 Halloween Candy Cash-In, On-Ramp, & 1 Mo' Rep

-Written by KC

Day After Halloween in the Box

The Halloween Candy Cash-In comes once a year, and only in the first CrossFit Kids class after Halloween. The children are given a chance to bring in their candy, and get paid for it! This year, they weren't excited about my $1.00 per pound offer, so I increased it to $3.00 per pound then had plenty of takers. After they picked out only their favorite pieces to savor at home, the kids brought in 31 pounds of candy to cash in! I feel good about keeping 31 pounds of candy off the streets. We're keeping the streets clean around here and doing what we can. What will I do with all the candy?  Throw it away or burn it just like any harmful drug.

Below: Kids get PAID for all that hard work trick or teating.

What a great group of new On-Rampers this month! Super!

On-Ramp Whiteboard

CrossFit Kids Whiteboard & Rep-A-Thon

As we gear up for the 1 Mo' Rep-A-Thon, the kids practice their Deadlift, which is a move they will be judged on for best form in order to earn prizes.

Adult Workout of the Day

All the adult classes did the Lurong Challenge Tribute WOD called "Lt. Letendre", a hero WOD.

"Lt. Letendre"


CrossFit AllStar