12/18/12 We love visitors!

-Written by KC

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One of the best parts about the holidays

is...we get tons of visitors in our box! Its fun to meet new people and connect with other boxes through their athletes who come in to wod while they are on vacation.

Right: Kim Tomasino from CrossFit SoCal, we also had Frankie from SanDiego & Cody is back from California and CrossFit Inferno!

Workout of the Day

Warm Up:

Run 800m

Skill Set:

3 X 10 Ring Dip

3 X 10 Chin Up

3 X 10 Muscle Up or progression

Conditioning: Courtesy OutlawWay.com

ME Strict HSPU + ME Kipping HSPU

*Rest 30 seconds.

3 rounds for time of:

40 Double-Unders
20 Pullups

*Rest 30 seconds.

ME Strict HSPU + ME Kipping HSPU

*Rest 30 seconds.

3 rounds for time of:

40 Double-Unders
20 KBS 32/24kg

*Rest 30 seconds.

ME Strict HSPU + ME Kipping HSPU



CrossFit AllStar