12/25/12 "12 Days of Christmas" workout & slide into New Years!

-Written by KC

Holiday Shuffle

As we do our annual holiday shuffle, I will re-cap our Christmas Eve workout at the box, and slide into our next celebration of New Years!

Christmas brought many, many vacationers to our gym which is so awesome! Right: Me and Amy from TJ's gym in Cali, working out only with the Christmas lights on at our 5am class!

Below: More 5 am Christmas Eve pics, super fun! The workout was a MONSTER however...see below. Ginger even brought in PALEO Caramel BARS!! Recipe below!

Above: PALEO CARAMEL PECAN BARS FROM PALEOMG!!! Click HERE for recipie! Thanks Ginger!

Workout of the Day: Courtesy OutlawWay.com

Go through the workout like the 12 Days of Christmas song...adding on another movement each round till you are done with the whole list....way more work that in looks like.

“The 12 Days of Outlaw 2012″

*After completing the first movement go back to 1 and begin again adding a new movement each round. There are 12 total rounds with one new movement being added each round. I.E. do 1 C&J, then 1 C&J + 2 MU, then 1 C&J + 2 MU + 3 Box Jumps, etc. The WOD is complete when the 12 Front Squats are completed. (Josh had us start at the bottom and work up, same amount of work, just a different way to work it)

1 Clean & Jerk @ 225/150# (We did 90% of your 1RM)My DAD made it in on Christmas Eve to workout!!!

2 Muscle-Ups

3 Box Jumps 36/30″

4 Hang Squat Snatch @ 115/75#

5 Bar Facing Burpees

6 Push Press @ 115/75#

7 Pistols (alternating)

8 Toes to Bar

9 Wall Ball 20/14#

10 C2B Pullups


12 Front Squats @ 225/150# (no racks)

For time.

Notes: Clean & Jerk may be any style. HSPU are head to floor (no need for Regionals standard), and kipping is allowed. Racks ARE NOT allowed for Front Squats.

My Dad did this Workout!

My father from Honolulu, as many of you know, has a non- contagious auto-immune disease called Guillien-Barre' Syndrome that he is recovering from. This disease affects only 1 in 100,000 people and is very rare. It affects your nervous system and his legs were paralyzed for a time 8 months ago. Please watch the video to better educate yourself about this diseasethat could affect any one of us. It is truly a miracle that he made the plane flight over for Christmas, then an even BIGGER surprise that he actually wanted to come workout! He modified the 12 Days of Outlaw workout and did GREAT!!! See how he modified the wod on the whiteboard below.


Start the year off with a BANG! Tomorrow, Thursday Dec. 27th at 6:30pm CrossFit AllStar will be holding a FREE New Year Orientation for anyone interested in CrossFit!

Just show up at the gym! NO obligation, ALL FUN!

This is the perfect time to find out what CrossFit is all about. Come talk story, meet the coaches, ask questions, and participate in an optional sample workout. CrossFit is ALL LEVELS and our gym is proud to have introduced CrossFit to many people in Waimea who thought they couldn't do it, but now believe they can and DO!

Bring athletic shoes, comfortable clothing, water bottle, and a positive attitude:)
Hope to see you there! Spread the word to family and friends about this FREE event!
For more information follow this link to visit our website at www.crossfitallstar.com OR find us on Facebook!
CrossFit AllStar