12/22/12 AllStar Christmas Party 2012!
-Written by KC, Photos by Elin
Tons of fun was had at the AllStar Christmas Party Saturday night!
THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO SHOWED UP FOR THE PARTY!!! Paleo Potluck dishes were in full effect from Chicken Curry, to Chicken Tortilla Soup(w/o the tortilla), Kale Salad, and FRESH JUICED ORGANIC VEGGIE JUICE made by Lisa and Doug T., Meat Pie, & Seafood Ceviche', plus lots more! Desserts included paleo chocolate cupcakes, Raw paleo cookies, and fresh made paleo ice cream! SANTA EVEN SHOWED UP TO SEE WHAT THE CROSSFIT KIDS WANTED FOR CHRISTMAS!!!
The White Elephant gift exchange turned out to be quite an event!
Guests were called up when their name was drawn from a hat at random, they were allowed to go pick out a present, OR take someone else's present for a CrossFit penalty of various movements. Some memorable moments were when Cody opened up the ninja stars Lisa brought, only to have then taken by TJ for 5 Handstand Push Ups, only later to have them taken by KC. Cody later opened up some lingerie, later taken by Luz. And Cindy opened up an authentic Rambo knife, taken by Josh. Many more recycled gifts were shared including a wireless router and tools, and a mag-lite! Super fun night!
Check us our on FACEBOOK for a full photo album of the evening by Elin Kalaniopio. Thanks for shooting pics Elin!!!
Workout of the Day
Warm Up:
Sack Races!!!
Skill: Muscle Up Strength
8 Rounds
30 sec Ring Pull Up
30 sec Rest
Zercher Squat
AMRAP 12 min.
15 Deadlift (155/110)
15 Deficit Push Ups (Hands on Yoga Blocks, 3 ")
15 Box Jumps (24/20)